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Royal Titan Mission​

British Multi media Franchise


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Majestic Hyperion 

A real science story about building a plasma propulsion rocket and galactic space ship to travel to Saturn’s Titan Moon to make a base for intersteller  exploration beyond our solar system. 

Our gallant spaceship

About Me.

The Story

First episode of "Royal Titan Mission", Kingdom of Alpha Centauri, a Science Reality British Media Franchise.


Our theme is based on a visionary Royal family member who unites the world to take the brave step of a first human mission to Titan to terraform it for human colonisation.


Eventually from this bridgehead in our solar system they will travel to Alpha Centauri in our neighbouring solar system and build a new advanced civilisation and kingdom.


The movie will show case every stage of human advancement focussing on interstellar transportation, rocket propulsion, space ports, green cities, and advanced fusion energy production. It will be a science reality media franchise.



We are hoping this would inspire and educate our younger generation to participate in real galactic space travel and colonisation. 

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Bolsena Lucas Base

Home to home !

The first human base on Titan Moon will be on the cusp of the hydrocarbon lake, Bolsena Lacus, located near Titan’s North Pole on latitude 75.75°N and Longitude 10.28°W. Almost 101 km in length and situated in the north polar region where most of the large Titan lakes are found.

 Titanium     Serpent

Titanium Serpent the most advanced submarine will take us to the deepest methane noxious seas to explore beneath a thick crust of frozen water to find more water and the evolution of Titan Moon’s early days.

There is a strong belief among scientists that these mass liquid seas of hydrocarbons, like methane and ethane, provide a prebiotic chemical environment for living cells different from those on earth.

Finding more water 
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Odyssey of the graphene generation, they are all alive and with you now ! 

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Alpha Titanus Getways

Our Space port Alpha Titanus Gateway will be build in Mayda Insula, a remarkable feature on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, stretches across approximately 150 × 90 kilometers. Situated at 79.1°N, 312.2°W, within the northern expanse of Kraken Mare, Titan's largest sea, this extraordinary formation stands out as the sole confirmed island-like structure beyond our planet's shores. Mayda Insula is enveloped by a vast liquid expanse of light hydrocarbons and dissolved nitrogen, where temperatures hover around a bone-chilling 83 K, equivalent to -190 °C.

From this gateway we will travel to next star system Alpha Centauri and this would be the following sequel of our motion picture " Royal titan Mission ".
The script writing of our movie is going very well. Infect in our office we all are deep diving into our imagination and detailed research on Titan moon and our solar system.

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Kingdom of Alpha Centauri


The updates

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Signed partnership contract 

May 21, 2023

Choose the location 

June 20, 2023

Writing Script

July 20, 2023

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Galactic orbital eye

The development of the next generation of terrestrial and space transport and their use are portrayed through out the movie, setting out the roadmap for future trends ……..

The Theme

The movie portrays a vision of a heavy engineering revolution to solve the world’s energy problems which would bring optimum efficiency of human capacity and in its wake an abundance of resources and limitless opportunities. 


In this movie against all odds, fighting rogue AI, racism, out of control robotics, humanity led by a group of young royal visionaries create a society of fast transport, limitless energy, and green healthy efficient living. The next generation supersonic aircraft would be an everyday event and in the movie the younger generation would take their hypersonic plasma propulsion rocket from the garage for a lower orbital spin. Join us for the most advanced, yet real epic journey to build the next civilisation in the next star system Alpha Centauri. But first we are going to Titan moon to make a base to get ready for the final destination. 

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HYPER MEDIA -MEDIA PRODUCTION  BUDGET          £500M   2024- 2025



This is not a fable, its all real life, a human revolution, happening all around you now. You need to just open your eyes and join the Odyssey to the new way of living in the new civilisation of advancement and prosperity. 

The call of the Universe........

AIDEN the Bot

Meet AIDEN the acronym for Artificial Intelligence Domestic Enhancement Network who will make this historic journey of adventure and advancement smooth and precise. 

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United Kingdom

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@2024 Royal Titan Mission / All Rights Reserved 

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